Just a Click: Result Awesome

We often fail to realize the beauty of a simple object event around us. We tend to ignore them until some highly creative individual brings out that beauty in front of us and make us realize the value of it. Those creative persons, who lend us a new vision to look into the beauty or make us sense the real taste of beauty must really be thanked.
Our Assam is a wonderland no doubt, with spellbound beauty and scenery. And every simple thing in Assam is a source of intoxicating wonder. And this beauty is enhanced by two photographers from the State Vikramjit Kakati and Himujjal Jibon Sarma. All those who are quite active in the Social media regarding Assam must have surely seen or rather appreciated the awesome clicks of these two.
These two individual have really made me fall in love with the beauty of my home state. They are into a great work which is really helping to portrait Assam as an wonderland in front of  a nation where people only associate the name of the state with Insurgency. As said by John Keats
  "A Thing of beauty is a joy forever"
Indeed you can realize the importance of this lines once if you have a glance at their work. I am so very much proud and appreciate their work that I should definitely dedicate a post of my Blog to these to talented individual. They have done an wonderful job and of course been appreciated by a lot. But no doubt they deserve more. Both have depicted the beauty of Assam using lens in natural setting as well as humanistic setting. From the beauty of the green fields of villages to the busy roads of the city. Each and every picture has a story to tell. Surely a wonderful job.   All my friends out there in this big web please have a look at the work of these artist and I am sure you will surely like them . There are numerous proud sons of out state who have been into selfless effort in making the state proud, enhancing beauty and identity of  the state in national and international arena. Those people must be saluted, and such are both. Most of their pictures have in selected to represent Assam in Google Earth. Just have a glimpse at the work of both, I bet it will a treat to your eyes:
A Picture of Assam By Vikramjit Kakati
This picture is surely make you feel haven in Assam. Another here is by  Himujjal Jibon Sarma

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.     I will try to put a lot more information about this two awesome photographers very soon. This is just a small token of thanks for their wonderful job. Please help the spread the beauty of Assam all throughout.

I committed to write about those people who have made Assam Proud.  

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